Supporting and Sustaining School Leaders

Mind Your Gaps
External, independent review and evaluation of provision is a crucial element of school improvement work that we can provide in order to support and sustain school leaders. As with all elements of our work, team performance review and evaluation begins with consultation and contracting to ensure your requirements are fully understood.
We then work with team leaders to understand their views on the strengths and weaknesses of their provision before cross-referencing this through observations, document scrutiny, staff and student voice, and relevant datasets. We provide 'on the day' verbal feedback on our findings before writing up a detailed report with clear next steps to inform action planning. Ideally, dependent on your needs, our preference is to return for a shorter follow-up review.
Team Performance Review and Evaluation Provided by Mind-Your-Head.net
Subject Reviews
Evaluating the curriculum, its delivery and its impact.
Thematic Reviews
Evaluating whole school themes (e.g. behaviour).
Safeguarding Reviews
Evaluating child protection and safeguarding processes.
Governance Reviews
Evaluating effectiveness of governing board processes.
Baseline Reviews
Evaluating starting points for new leadership initiatives.
Self-Evaluation Reviews
External scrutiny of self-evaluation documentation.
Follow-up Reviews
Evaluating progress based on previous reviews.